Il 11/11/2020 ore 11.00 - 12.00

Stanza virtuale

Webex formativa sulla ricerca  brevettuale in IEEE Xplore Digital Library (piattaforma consultabile  in remoto tramite l'accesso con le proprie credenziali Siper a

Speaker: Dr Eszter Lukàcs (IEEE- Client Services Manager, Europe).

"This session will review how to effectively use IEEE Xplorefor patent  research. Topics include an overview of prior art searching and what  makes an innovation patentable, plus how to find the correct keywords  and construct complex search strategies on IEEE Xplore to begin your  patent investigation" (E. Lukàcs).

Organizzato da:
CNR - Biblioteca Centrale

Referente organizzativo:
Luisa De Biagi
CNR - Biblioteca
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Modalità di accesso: ingresso libero
Istruzioni per il collegamento: Topic: Patent searching best practices with IEEE Xplore - for CNR
Host: Eszter Lukacs
Date: Tuesday, 30. June 2020
Time: 14:00, Europe Summer Time (Berlin, GMT+02:00)

Session number: 132 162 8691
Session password: Summer2020!

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For assistance
You can contact Eszter Lukacs at:
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