Alternating training

The Central Library 'G. Marconi ', in accordance with Law 107 of 2015, is home to trainings under the project "Alternation School Work". The goal is to tighten educational alliance between schools and the world of work, so that the students can enrich the set of skills, combining theory and practice. It is possible to enter into an agreement with the Central Library if interested in the initiative, requesting information by writing to the email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Since 20th April 2017 the Central Library “G. Marconi” of the CNR has hosted for two weeks students of the I.I.S. “Leopoldo Pirelli" within the Project “Alternation School Work”. The students have carried out the current and extraordinary activities of the structure: processing of documents from their arrival to the location in the warehouse, database update as for internal use, as functional to the external user research, geo-location, and inclusion of a map within the web site, support the ISSN Centre.
We warmly thank the students Daniele Granieri, Francesco Solfizi and Alessandro Tarallo for their interest and proven ability in carrying out their assigned duties.



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Biblioteca Centrale 'G. Marconi'

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