uni iso 3297 en

UNI-ISO 3297

UNI ISO 3297:2010, Unified international System for numbering of serial publications (ISSN) was published that refers to the international standard ISO 3297 in Italian.

The norm defines and promotes the use of a unified code (ISSN) for the unique identification of serials and other continuing resources. Each unified international code for serial publications (ISSN) is a unique identifier for a specific serial publication, or other continuing resource, on a specific physical media. The norm also describes a mechanism, the so-called "ISSN connection (ISSN- L)", which provides for the grouping or bond between versions on different physical media of the same continuing resource. The ISSN are applicable to serials and other continuing resources both ceased and current, or even intended for publication or produced in the foreseeable future, whatever the publication or production support. The single monographic publications, audio and video recordings, printed music publications, audiovisual works and musical works have their own numbering systems, and are not specifically mentioned in the standard. All these products, however, can be equipped with ISSN in addition to their own unified number when part of a continuing resource.

The norm is the Italian national adoption of international standard ISO 3297:2007.

The President of UNI has approved the adoption  27 October 2010.

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