6 June 2017 SPR Central Library 'G. Marconi '

The documentary exhibition organized during the 90th anniversary of the Central Library 'G. Marconi 'will be available at Room A of the Library until 31st December 2017, Monday to Friday from 9 am to 6 pm.

The Central Library of the National Research Council is 90 years old. The event was celebrated in the presence of Maria Elettra, daughter of Guglielmo Marconi, then president to whom the Library was dedicated. Ideally, one-year celebrations are open, which can be described as marconias in all respects, considering the next two anniversaries that will fall on 20th July for the 80th anniversary of the death, and on 2nd September  with the 90th anniversary of the presidency of the Cnr.

The Central Library was set up on 24th May  1927, following the assignment to the Cnr of the legal deposit of the technical and scientific publications produced in Italy, so as to obtain the title of 'National Library of Science and Technology'. To celebrate it, a conference was held - with the President of Cnr, Massimo Inguscio - the Director of the Library, Alberto De Rosa, the Honorable Marco Di Lello and Luigi Dallai, scholars and experts, took part.

"It is an emotion and a joy to be here, along with President Inguscio, at Cnr to which my father was so attached," said Elettra Marconi. "I'm proud to be the daughter of a man who at 21 had already invented the radio, a man of extraordinary intelligence and enthusiasm. It was impossible to stop it. He reported that men are more difficult to understand than the forces of nature and the mysteries of science. I remember it closed in the cabin of the ship carrying my name, intent on his experiments with the radio, and occasionally called me and my mother Cristina to let us hear voices from the world. For us everything that showed and explained was magical. I could ask him anything, answer me as I was an adult, as well as always encouraged young people for whom he had a real passion. That is why I would like the building he left in Bologna to become an international science centre for young people from all over the world. Radio is above all a means that allows people who are far from communicating, creating friendships between different people, cultures and peoples. "

The figure of the Nobel Prize as a model for young people has also been recalled by the president of Cnr. "Man with great curiosity and ideas, scientific insight but at the same time practical sense and entrepreneurial spirit. Marconi has demonstrated to the world of his time and successive generations that there is no difference between basic and application research, and as researchers are required above all imagination, imagination, ability to risk and play, to have positive doubts from which then fascinating discoveries can come about. That is why we have to invest especially young people, who have no preconceptions and mental stratifications and can move freely in the unknown, always learning from the progress and lessons of the past, such as the extraordinary ones of Marconi. Cnr is the heiress of the president we are celebrating because he contributes to advancing knowledge without disciplinary or national barriers, for the health of people and the good of the earth. There are difficulties today, as yesterday, Marconi himself complained about the shortage of funding for government at the time - Inguschus concluded - but we must fight to make it clear that money dedicated to research is investment and not spending. For every euro that Cnr receives for research, you can earn 60 cents more on a competitive basis. Our researchers and researchers are among the best in the world, and we are, as an agency, the number one in the number of patent families and vouchers won and funded by the ERC European Research Council, just to name a few recent results. "

Press Review 90 years:

RAI TELEVIDEO - 20.05.2017


AISE - 24.05.2017

ASKANEWS - 24.05.2017

ASKANEWS2 - 24.05.2017

DIREGIOVANI.IT - 24.05.2017

METEOWEB.EU - 24.05.2017



ATTUALITA.IT - 25.05.2017



SALUTEH24 - 25.05.2017







Conference programme


The Almanac of Science in June 2017 is dedicated to Giuglielmo Marconi and the Central Library

The Science Almanac celebrates #GuglielmoMarconi

The latest issue of the #Cnr Press Office's online web site today has a focus on the radio inventor, which this year marks the 80th anniversary of death and the 90th birthday of the #Cnr presidency Sapienza University of Rome Registry .it Ludovec Registro.it National Geographic Lazio Region Publishing House Chiarelettere







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